Saturday 30 August 2014

2014 Morocco Marrakesh

We were looking around to meet the couchhost Mohammed. Then we had Mc Donald. When we finished, we met him by the road, he had very round eyes and looked funny.
We went to his apartment and stepped in.
What I saw surprised me! I saw a beautiful sofa. Then I went into their lounge and we got introduced.
We had tea and nuts.
Then they asked us what we wanted to watch. We watched i movie 'X-Men'. It was fun. The rest of the day, we mostly watched TV.

Today, we decided to go to the mountains. There, we saw a cool river where I climbed on the rocky bridge. It was very crumbly so I had to be cautious.
We ate some oranges and melons. We saw a woman and we offered her a whole orange. She was delighted. Two other women came and we gave the melons and oranges too. Mum went to them and chatted. While that was happening, I was playing on the rocks. The women were very smiley and we took pictures with each other.

Then we moved on back to our couchhost's house. There we played on the excercise thing and learnt making tea. Then we watched TV and talked.

Today, we found out that the twins we had met that I forgot to tell you about(Assia and Aya)). They wanted us to come with them to a national park. Mum didn't come but we did.
At the national park, we saw donkeys and gave the rosemary. Then we went to play in the playground. It was great fun.
We saw a high zip-wire and the twin's dad did it. It was fun watching. While he was getting ready, we fed the black horses with grass. We were going to do the aqua park but it was too late so we went to lunch.
Lunch was Tajine and it was delicious.
There was a playground where we played on the roundabout.
Then we went back to their hotel. We dressed in our swimsuit and went into the hotel's pool! It was fun, but we soon got out because it was very cold.
We got dressed back into our clothes and played on the ipad. Dad and Mum came and we had dinner there. Then we were allowed to have a sleepover.
We played on the ipad more but then played hide and seek. It was great fun. It was time to sleep, so we settled down on the sofa.
At first, we messed around a bit, but gradually drifted off.

Next morning, we got dressed in our swim suits again and played in the pool a lot, like doing races and chasing each other. But the time had come so we had to get changed. Mum and Dad had come and we said goodbye. Assia gave me a friendship bracelet and I was very happy. I saw Mohammed and he played lots of jokes. I laughed and I felt glamorous.

Today, we are going to a mountainous cave place where there's lots of birds. Mohammed was going to wait. Halfway down the stairs, Ellie needed the toilet, so her and Mum went up the stairs to find a toilet.
So me and Dad also in addition to the guide carried on down the stairs. We went over slippery rocks and rushing rivers. I looked up and saw a gigantic ceiling, way up high.It had lumps sticking out!
We went up a bit higher and saw mini caves in the walls. The guide said that Pigmy people livedd in those. Dad said the adults were as small as me.
There was no gate, so I was scared. Dad was gonna go over the edge. Luckily, we went down and saw a huddle of scarabs. yuck!

There were lots of rocks to climb over but we finally arrived to the exit. 
At the top, we all went to a Taine restaurant. We ordered rabbit Tajine. The meat was fabulously delightful. It was absolutely delicious. I wished I could have it every Sunday. We saw the live rabbits.

Then we went to where the woman used to live.
Then we went to go to another town. We are now going to Rabat to spend our night before leaving to England.

On the way, we stopped at Casablanca. There we went to the rocky shore where salty sea water was. We found typical shells and even some tasty mussels. I spotted an anenomone in the clear sparkling water. Then we went back into the car to look for a restaurant. I then drifted off to a cosy sleep.
When I woke up, I was in Rabat next to Hajar's house. Dad said there was no point in waking us up for lunch and it wasn't nice there. We came in and they greeted us enjoyably. The twins were there and we played hide and seek. It was really fun.
For dinner, we had curry and had bread to dip it into. Tarek showed us Chucky on the computer. It was absolutely hair raising.
P.S They gave us clothes for presents and a necklace. 

This is sadly the end of our holiday.

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