Thursday 26 June 2014

2014 Morocco Fes

It was a long drive from Rabat to Fez and I really didn't like it.
Finally, when we reached there we parked our car and went into a hotel.

It was very cool inside!

The kind but toothless manager welcomed us with tea. It was very nice.

After tea, we went into the Medina. It was very big. There was lots of shops and stalls.
As we were making our way in, the manager showed us the place where people made cactus silk.(very fine and strong).
Then he left us to it. The other man had a machine that made materials out of cactus silk.
He said that the silk comes from the cactus.

After that, we walked around a bit. It was very lovely.
There was someone who was making kababs. I bought one and Ellie and Dad nicked some.

Then we headed back to the hotel where we slept.

The next day we went into the Medina again and I bought some cool sandals. 
We went to a meat market and we saw a camel head with everything on it!

It was very surprising!


Then we saw some chickens tied up, waiting for anyone to buy them.
I felt a bit sorry for the feathery creatures.
I looked into a butcher shop and saw a chicken getting boiled with everything on!
But fortunately Dad said they were already killed and their legs twitched because the nerves are still alive. Phew!

It was starting to get dark so we went back home to sleep. We found the hotel cat and Ellie patted it.

I didn't really want to touch it because, once a cat had scratched me really hard.

 It really hurt! That's why I don't like cats. Only kittens.

The next day we once again went into the Medina. We went in and bought some fraises*. They are very juicy and red.
I loved them a lot but I shared some as well. Ellie had knocked two strawberries off me and I was rageous! 

Then we went to the sweet market and we bought some sweets. They were nice! Then after we had looked in the mosque, we went to the meat* place to have lunch. We all had eaten a kebab and it was nice. We ate like this.
*Someone bought the camel head!

We went back to the hotel. Mum and Dad slept a bit while me and Ellie played shops. We put our shops in the sticking out windows and a big group of tourists saw us and took pictures. It was really funny. Some people even waved at us! Then we asked Mum if we could borrow more money so we could buy more from each other.

Then after 1 hour Mum told us to pack our stuff because we were going to move to the Sahara desert.

In our car, we had a very long drive. Finally we reached the destination.

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