Tuesday 25 November 2014

An Unfamiliar Place

"Wow! Where is this place?"
Marco and Gemma crept cautiously around strawberries and bounced on brown mushrooms.
Marco tripped over a boulder, a very smooth one, almost as if it was a bigger version of a pebble, and his hands scraped the side of the red, spotted strawberry. Red juice gushed out of the wound.
"Oh, wow! They really are giant strawberries!" Gemma exclaimed as she ripped a chunk out of a strawberry and devoured it.
They walked steadily on the squished brown floor that was randomly dotted with squiggly bits of mud. After weaving through the brown, bouncy mushrooms, they approached a jungle of great green trees. But the trees weren't any trees, they were in fact broccoli!
"Let's check this out!" reclaimed Gemma.
In they stepped into the shadows of the strange forest. There was only circles of sunlight that managed its way in through the branches that it their way. The smell of fresh and uncooked greenery and vegetables wafted up their noses.
But suddenly, they felt a vibration coming from under their feet. The vibration transformed into an earthquake then WHOOSH! A pink cylinder shot out the ground and then slowly fell to the ground with a great THUD. It was a huge worm, the terrified children could see its pulsing, grotesque red veins and the lines that separated the worm into sections.
"Ewww! Gross!"
"RUN!" Marco cried and he went sprinting, dodging through thick green trunks. Gemma stared at the beast approaching her, making gross squelch noises, then ran. They ran, and they ran, and they ran until the lumbering creature was gone from their sight.
"Phew!'" panted Marco wiping his perspiring forehead.
"That was close. Too close!" gasped Gemma.
They were in a clearing now.
Brown, lumpy landscape stretched to the eye could see.
The bright, blinding sun sent wave after wave of scorching heat onto their sodden T-shirts.
"This is so tiring!" Gemma complained.
But they didn't realize to this moment that it was to become much worse.
A hand clutching a trowel(a giant trowel) loomed over the pair menacingly."Oh, no!" exclaimed Gemman.
They ran away from their spot as the instrument plunged into the soil then showered Gemma and Marco with brown, moist mud. The dirt went into their eyes, and nose that made them cough and splutter like crazy.
"Run faster! Run to your side!" yelled Marco.
As soon as they had reached land that was a free-planting zone, they were quite literally sweating a river.
"OK, first things first. Let's head to that brick over there." ordered Marco.
"Yeah, we can get shade!" cheered Gemma.
Desperate for some coolness, they stumbled carelessly towards the once in a life-time life-saving brick. However, the brick seemed to become smaller and smaller! "Huh?"
To their best luck, they realized they were getting bigger and bigger to become their normal size.
"Yay!" they cried.
So, to test their size, they frolicked and twisted and jumped. They ran up the steps of their house, the wonderful aroma meeting them.
"Marco, Jemma! Where have you been? Your suppers are getting cold!" a familiar voice shrieked from the kitchen. 
Gemma and Maro exchanged glances, smirks plastered on their faces...

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