Monday 25 November 2013

Snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Well, it was the last day of staying with Jan and we had to say goodbye. 
We were going snorkeling.
It didn't take long for us to start snorkeling though because we were sleeping in the ferry(Catamaran).
When we got to the water station, we changed into our snorkeling costumes.

We looked a bit weird because it showed our bottom lines.
After that, we collected our glasses and our breathing tube, plus our fins. We put them all on and went downstairs.
The business person took a photo of us and off we went.

It was actually deep so I had to go on Dad's back some times. But we saw amazing fish with fake eyes and big lips too.

After a few minutes, we got to the stage where it was shallow of corals and rocks.
I was afraid I was going to break the corals with my big duck feet, so I watched my feet every second I was swimming.
I told Dad I was running out of breath and my toe hurt, so we headed back to the water station.

We chose some food to eat and played 'I spy'. After that, we decided to get dressed back into our normal clothes.

We went back into the ferry and went back home. But when we got home, we had to start heading for the airport, so that we can go back to England.
It took a few hours till we got there though.

30 hours later...

Now we were back in England and it was cold, dark and same as we came before.
And then my life started again.

The End!

Featherdale Wildlife Park, Austraila

Moving to Australia

We had to wake up really early and go to the airport.
At the plane, I went to sleep without first meal but I woke up and watched movies and had second meal.
Our Auntie Jan picked us up and we got to her house and we  had presents on the bed kindly and we slept.
While we were sleeping, Dad was going to the Korean shop to get some food for us. When he came back we were awake.

We met Simmy and Arthur too, the cats. Jan said that my other Auntie, Nicky, was going to come 2 days away!
I was curious what Nicky looked like though, because it's been a long time since I saw her.

Us and Nicky going to the Wildlife Park

I was really excited to go and arrive at the wildlife centre to see all the Australian animals!

Now we were at the wild centre and I was really shocked of how they treated animals!
They were sooooo free!

Wallabies and Kangaroos were jumping about and strange birds were walking about! But the first animals to see were Wombats. We could touch them too!
I knew were were allowed because the gate was low and everyone was touching so I tried. It was quite smooth fur.
Wombats are actually slow as a waddling baby!

We are going to show you all the animals in a row but beside it, we will tell what is happening.

Friday 22 November 2013

Nelson, Wellington, Rotorua NZ

Nelson time with Prue

We had to go early and it didn't take long to get to Nelson. But I recognised one toy shop called 'Toyworld'!
We finally reached Prue's house. I wasn't shy any more but Ellie was.
She took us in her house and showed us our rooms. It was luckily separate room again. 
They had a TV too.
They had the dog, Rusty, and a scaredy cat that was black.
I did see the cat outside. It was nearly dark so we had to sleep.
I was whimpering to Ellie while the night though because we were wondering where we were going.


We decided to go to Steve's house, Dad's oldest friend since five years old. He had two dogs. One called Sam and one calledd Mal. While we got used to them, I played with mal ball and Ellie was lying on Sam. I had to hold his slobbered ball and watch the saliva spitting from the ball.
After a while, Steve's son came and Steve said if he could take us to his old school. So he took us to the playground and I saw a slide and a wire climbing thing and a zip wire too! They even had a pond!
We straightaway went to the playground and started playing but the boy was playing tennis instead.
Finally, we walked back home but halfway through, Dad came along in Steve's car and said if we could have a ride.
We went in and saw the dogs in the back and sat with them.
After watching TV and playing with Mal, we went back to Prue's and had a BBQ, bush BBQ.
I liked the food really much!

We then had to say goodbye to Prue and go to Wellington and meet Jolene, our half sister.
When we went there we saw a black kitten that Jo's daughter got for her birthday.
They had an old dog that they found somewhere near the street.

Anyway, the daughter of Jo was called Lucy. She also had a son called Brodey. Well, they didn't have any room for us to sleep in so we had to find a motel.
When we found a motel, we put our bags in and there was separated rooms. We went back to Jo's and they said we were going to a beach.
So we got in the car and started going....

When we got there we got hungry. So we saw a table and ate there. We gave some bread to the fish at the river next to it and then we decided to go to the sand dune.
We had bare feet through the forest!
It was hard work coming up the sand dune than coming down, cos the sand dune was made of sand.
We had to run and jump down the sand dune. It was for rolling down the dune too except for getting sand in your eyes and mouth.

But it was going to get dark so we headed to the beach.
Over there Dad showed a special kind of rock.
He said it was a volcanic rock. It was full of air so it floated on water!
You could also carve it out with a shell!
Dad made a skull with on and I did too.
And Dad covered the eyes with ash so it looked like dark holes.

When I finished it I showed Mum.
Mum thought it was quite creepy because mine was smiling. I told Mum to keep it safe so I could show it to my teacher and friends.
She put it in her bag while I was watching Brodey and his dad playing swords! Soon it was getting dark and we had to go back.

"This is going to be the last day of New Zealand!"
I cried to Ellie. Mum said we were going to volcano ponds and holes with steam coming out.
(I am actually going to go to the but when we saw the first pond now.)

The volcano pond was amazing. It had lots of steam and bubbles in the boiling water and it had orange stuff in it like this one.

Sometimes we had to cross really low bridges across lakes of boiling water!
But I warn you! If you go there it will be warm but smelling like rotten egg!

I always had my nose pinched white I was walking, looking, resting and talking! That's how bad it is.
Now this was the last worst looking, worst smelling , and worst name that was the Devil's Bath.
This is what it looked like.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Queenstown, Franz Josef Glacier, Milford Sound


Whoo! We are here at last!
When the car stopped, I opened the door and jumped out.
I could smell the full air and I could see hot dog shops, sweet shops and chip shops!

I loved this place!
I begged Dad if we could stay here for the night and Dad said we were sleeping her for the night. Yipee!
We all had to go and find the hotel we booked.
Later on, when we had found our place, after we put our luggage in the room, I just wanted to  say that the beds were like dungeon beds. All metal made, but a nice mattress.
Also there was a TV, but it was rubbish.
Anyway, I said if we could have a walk and have fish and chips. Dad and everyone agreed to go.
So we asked a shopkeeper if he could tell us where to go.
At last, we got to the fish and chip shop and I bought a hot dog, chips, Ellie, fish and chips with cream soda, fizzy drink.
Dad shared with Mum who had only chips with some special cream.
A few minutes later, we saw seagulls and ducks coming towards us.
I know they were hungry so I gave them one chip.

There was violent games of ducks. It was called 'fight and bred!'

Oh my god! There were a hundred ducks and seagulls all together so we had to chase them away.
There were ones that came from the lake in front of us.

Mum said to stop feeding the ducks and seagulls cos it was our food. So I ate the rest and told Dad what we were going to do and where we were going to on the next journey.
He said that we were going to Nelson!
I was quite shocked to hear the place where I was born was Nelson! But I was excited!

Dad said we were going to meet Prue, Dad's youngest sister. Dad described what she looked like.

Anyway, that's later so let's talk about now.
Mum said we had to find a new car for the journey to Nelson.
I was wondering why we had to go in a car.
I always was sick in cars so I hate cars(Only driving the car is fun!).
I told Dad why we couldn't go on plane and he said it was too dear for him.
I was fed up about car, car, cars.

We all had to go to this car borrowing place thing to borrow a car.
It took quite a while to see which car we could afford.
Finally they said they were going to get this ugly kind of car(I knew that because I saw the picture of it).
Me and Ellie didn't want that car. We wanted that big jeep car that would be brilliant for a journey.

Anyway, we had to borrow it. Well, we were in the car to a hotel. We finally found a hotel and our bags in while Dad was paying.
Then we heard Dad, while we were outside the door wondering how to get it.
When Dad came, he said you had o have a card for it to open.
Well, now we knew how.
So, we went in the room and read books.
Later on, I looked out the window to see that it was gatting dark.
Mum said we had to go to sleep now and I agreed....

Start of the Journey

Well, when I woke up, I saw Dad waiting for us to wake up. He saw me and said if I was hungry. I said I was starving but I saw Ellie waking up too.
So I asked her the same question. She said yes, so we told Mum if she wanted to stay or not.
She wanted to stay so we went to find 'M'.

Well, me and Ellie were playing our made up game.
You had to swing your leg over the poles at the side of the road. There weren't much people around so it was quite quiet. I saw a word in the distance and said we found 'M', so we quickly got there and went inside and found a seat.
I told Dad I wanted a burger and some chips and Ellie wanted chicken.
It didn't take long for our breakfast to come.
But while they were making it, we were talking about our trip. I said to Dad if someone gets sick then we have to stop driving cars and go on plane or bus or train or even caravan and campervan! Dad said we might get a campervan near Nelson. I was really excited to go there now!
It was going to take a long time there. So I didn't worry about it.
Dad asked if we were finished.Everyone said we were finished.
We went out of the restaurant and went back to our hotel.
As we went in, we saw Mum watching TV. I asked if we were having our trip today. Luckily, Mum said we were going today! So we dressed up and took our bags in the boot of our car(Actually, Dad did it on his own while we were in the room).
After a while we went downstairs to see our car. Whoah!
The car was so cool.
But when we went inside, it was fantastic!
Ellie and me were really glad to have a good car.
But we got used o it.

We were driving for about 5 hours altogether from stopping at the lake and stopping at the lake,
It was really cool when we got to the lake.
Ellie event put herself in the water halfway!
But I climbed up the tree. We didn't stop for long though. 

Then we drove up to the amazing glacier.
The most amazing ice block I ever seen.
It was ages for is to get there.
I said that it wasn't a long way at first, but I reaised it was super far.

It took 1/2 hour to get there, but when we got there we saw this huge pie of gravels for people to come up and see the glacier from above!

I wanted to go up too, but I was bursting for toilet but I ignored it!

I said if I could go up with Dad.
Dad said yes, but even said "Are you sure?". 
I said I was sure so we started to climb up.
Mum said that they were going to walk back to the car.
As we were going, groups of people were coming down.
One of them said to be careful.
Dad said it was alright.
So we carried on till we were at the top.
Finally, we found ourselves on the top!
We saw the great glacier from above so big and tall.

Dad looked up in the sky and saw it was nearly night. So we started heading back down.
As we were going down, I found some clear white rock to show Mum and Ellie.
I but remembered I needed the loo, so I told Dad if I could do it behind a rock.He gave me some toilet paper too.
After I finished, we carried on to the car. While we were going we saw some cool rocks with strips and circles in them.
Dad took a photo of it but said we had to go quickly because it was getting dark.
After a while, we ended up in the car.
We drove to a hotel and made Dad say it was like a cheese factory. Mum agreed.

We paid for our room and looked. I was happy because it had separate rooms and I would sleep in one room and the rest could sleep in the other!
Mum gave a sandwich she saved from the cafe.
I said thanks and Mum said it was nearly bed time.
So I brushed my teeth but said if I could see one more TV and she said yes.
I watched something scary called 'I shouldn't have been alive' and then slept.

The Ferry Journey(Milford Sound)
The next day, Dad said we were going on a ferry trip to see seals and waterfalls. We went to stay with Jo for a few hours and started heading for the ferry boat.
The boat wasn't that big though because it was this Jucy rental kind.

Later on, we ended up in the boat and saw waterfall.
It's mountains and we even saw small seals!

This is a picture of the lake that leads to the ocean.

It didn't take long to meet the seals who were really adorable. One of the seals was on a rock drying itself out.
Another one came with fish in its mouth!
The announcement came and said "They aren't very big seals but at least we saw one."