Monday 18 November 2013

Ubud, Bali

26/3/13 Dukuk

When I woke up, Dad told me that we were going to the jungle! Whoopee!

1/2 hour later...

After we were all ready and awake we went outside.
It was very hot.

I and the rest of my family followed Dad.
We headed for the jungle and heard snorts!

Ellie like pigs so she ran down to see them.
I ran too and saw little pink pigs!
One was a massive Mum pig and the rest were little baby pigs.
At first I stared at them while they scrambled about.
One piglet peed for a really long time.

A few minutes later, we carried on heading for the jungle.
The hill was quite steep so we needed help from Dad.
We all saw a Rambutan tree!
Rambutans are these spiky fruit that you can pool and then eat.
I tried it and it was really yummy!

We then carried on and had to step over some logs and branches but it was still great!
Some of the trees were cocoa bean trees!
You can make hot chocolate with it!
It was really cool!

Ellie said she was really tired so we headed back up.

While we went back, Dad found a MASSIVE leaf that looked like a giant English oak leaf.
There were two so Ellie could have on and I could have one. The leaf was down a steep level where there was a gap that I could fall in.
Dad said it was dangerous for me so he went a long way to get it.
But I jumped and ended up getting it myself.

Well, when we went home, we had a rest.
I wrote my diary and drew a bit.
After a few minutes, Mum said that we were going to town.
We all went into the car and drove to town.
I, Ellie, Mum and Dad walked together but Mum found a temple and the staff had tickets to a dance performance!
After that we went to a restaurant. It wasn't a flash restaurant, it was an ordinary one.
There were a few people there.
On the menu, I chose a food called ' Nasi Goreng'.
It was very yummy when I ate it.
The food was basically, fried rice with a few meats inside.
Well, then we obviously went home and slept.

27/3/13 Monkey Forest.

When we all woke up, Mum and Dad told us that we were going to the Monkey Forest! Yey!

It was two minutes to get there and I was so excited!
There were monkeys sitting on benches watching the people buy bunches of bananas that you could give to.
I told Mum and Dad if I could have a bunch of bananas.
They said yes and Ellie got some too.
After getting the bananas, we headed deeper into the jungle.!
There were monkeys everywhere!
Some of the monkeys just snatched the bananas off our hands but I didn't mind.
We all saw this temple which had lots of monkeys running about.
There was a really big one that was being mobbed by smaller monkeys!
Mum and me and Ellie were a bit scared of the monkeys because they can bite and one female monkey had a baby that protected it. 

 We all started heading back home but we realised there were a lot of people, taking pictures of something that was in a pond.

I ran there and saw monkeys jumping off trees and play-fighting in the water. They even swam!
I took a few pictures with my camcorder and filmed them too, so that I could see it on my Mum's tablet.
Mum told me to sleep so I did even though it was the midday.

The performance

When I woke up, it was evening!
We had a walk outside in town and looked for the temple.
Last night we bought tickets so we could get through.
We had to wait a while for the dance to begin but it soon started.
First, there were lots of woman dancing with these flower things.
They made funny faces that could spook you out. Some of their moves looked hard to to.
Sometimes they lifted their toes up for the whole dance.
Secondly, there was this man who looked really funny!
He had funny makeup on that made him look like a girl and a boy. 
Lastly, there was a dance of bunch of other women which their dance were similar to the first dance.
Then a woman came out onto the stage and told us that the dance was finished.
We headed out to the exit and decided to go home.
Finally, we all were home and we slept straightaway.

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