Friday 15 November 2013

Vienna, Austria

Oh god! My legs felt numb and I had pins and needles.

Finally, we got there.
There was trouble finding the house.
The house looked like double mansions and soon we found our way. 
There was barbecue going on, yum! 
When the barbecue was ready, everyone sat down.
There were barbecue sausages and veg that I like, plus there was sweetcorn.
Everyone gobbled it down.
Then the man said we were going to have a famous food  called spareribs.
He pronounced it 'speribs'. Yes!
The woman called Silvia said that there was a swimming pool.
Me and Ellie got changed into our swimming suit.

Mum told us if we wanted to borrow the girl's(Mara) bikinis.
I was like, 'No way!'

In the pool, the boy(Philip) was in and was turning on this thing in the pool that makes bubbles appear.

It was really fun.
The pool was actually quite cold so we went out to the sun.
We did this thing when you have to do something with an object, 
then go on to something else like this.

Soon it got dark and we had to get ready for bed.
Mum allowed us to play a bit more with Mara.
Mara showed us her collections of her National Graphic Kids magazines. 
The cartoons in it was fun, so we ended up reading the comics.
Then Mum and Dad said to go to bed.

The next morning, I woke up at 9:00 and went to have breakfast. 
Dad made toast with sausages. I loved it,yum!
The toast was what made it yummy. 
It looked like this.

Then we went to the train station to go into the city.
The city looked amazing.

There was a massive huge tall cathedral church that pricked the sky.
You couldn't imagine a taller building than this one.
Dad and Mum told me that we were going to a emporisis - Empress Sisi- house or rather like the palace.

Finally, we arrived and relieved that we were out of the sun.
Mum collected audio guides for us and we started looking at the objects.

One hour later...

I moaned to Mum that I was so tired because of walking around so much, so we went out to the exit meeting the heat of the cruel blazing sun.
Me and Ellie were starving so Mum found a restaurant called 'VAPIANO'.

We all ordered pizza. 
I ordered salami pizza but Mum was going to eat the salalmi for me.
There was this little gadget that we had to have that flashed when the pizza was ready. 
I held it and waited and then it suddenly buzzed and flashed.
I got frightened and threw it up in the air.

Unfortunately, the gadget was going to hit the ground but fortunately a waiter caught and handed it to me and walked away like this.

Then after eating our pizza we headed back.
While heading back, Dad bought us choc mint ice-cream.
Ellie had a moustache around her mouth which looked funny.
In the train, me and Dad talked about what it would be like to win the lottery even month.
I would make sweetie land.
Here is my design.

Back in our couch host's house, it was still not up to 6.00, so Silvia asked if we wanted to go to the lake to swim. Cool!

Mum packed sushi for lunch and me and Ellie got dressed.

I'm a fan of sushi!

At lake, I ate some sushi.
Mara suddenly jumped in and I wanted to join too so I jumped in.
The water was nice and warm but when I went underwater, I could only see greenness.

I had a sense of fear of something touching my foot because before we went on holiday, I read this book called 'Jenny Greenteeth' who lives in the lake and nibbles up people who are too near the lake.
I soon got over it but I go still had the sense.
I can't believe this!
It had already become 8:30!
Paul said we should go.

At back home, Mara and me read comics together that now became our habit.

The magazines are just so fun!
Obviously, Mum called us down for sleep. 

Again I slept like a log.

The next morning, I realised it was the last day to spend out time together.

Unfortunately, I slept in and woke up at 10:46 so you know..
First, I had breakfast then joined Mara and Ellie with reading the magazines then Mum and Dad left to go to the museum in town and left us as they planned.
Silvia told us to get changed to get ready to go to a cool playground.

After a sticky trip in the train and bus, we finally reached the playground.

Silvia asked if we were hungry and everyone shot up their hands.
On the bench I looked around and realised there was a little treasure hunt going on.
It was so stinking hot . After eating we chased Philip a bit then gave up. 
Then me and Mara decided to swing on the giant hammock.
It was really fun.

On the next page, you'll find out what it looks like.

The hammock was really low down and had very thin material, so when we got bumped sown it hurt.

I wish we came a cooler day because we had to leave earlier cos of the hotness.

Back at the house, Silvia said I should wait for Dad comming home before we went to the lake.
Finally, Dad came so he took us to the lake.
In the lake we played the stone finding game for a while and then saw Philip with his friend Collatin who was going to go to eat at a Chinese restaurant.
Me and Mara plus Ellie wanted to go so we got dry and went back to ask.
Paul said no, so on well.

No! We have to leave!

I wished to go in the afternoon but unfortunately, it was time to go in the morning.
I waived a lot and have Mara my email and for repay, Mara gave hers.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ruby,

    I really ove your weblog. You are doing a really great job.
    We are all thinking a lot about you, your sister and your parents. Philipp and I had a wonderful time at your house and we really enjoyed the time you all spent with us in Vienna.
    We hope to see you again. Our door is always open for you.

    I wish you all the best for your life.
