Tuesday 19 November 2013

Prambanan, Bodobudur, Yogyakarta

Buddha Temple

The next morning,we went to the place where we had to wait for the bus.
We all had woken up very early and had to catch the bus.
The reason why we had to get up early was so that we could not be hot while walking.
The bus came soon and it only took one hour to get there. To where?
We were going to a religious temple thing and there are these massive temples which Hindu gods in them.

Finally, we reached our destination.
All together, we had to pay the tickets, and then people got these things around our waist.
It was like a skirt.
Dad had to wear it too!

Firstly, what we did was, we got some information from the tourist area. Then we walked quite a long way and eventually got there.
Sometimes, we took some really good photos of butterflies.
The temples looked very strange!

Two guide people came towards us and started showing us around.
We went into the temples that each had a room with a Hindu god in it.
The guides told all the stories of the gods and carving on the walls.
Gradually, the guides told us that they needed to go so we exited the temple area.
Then we were going back to the taxi to get back home.

At Siti's place, we played with Aurora and then went to restaurant.
After I ate, I started doing drawings on a piece of paper.
It was like this.

Mum said that we were going to leave this place and go somewhere else for the night, and then come back. Cool!
Siti said that her family was going to be in their new massive house.

Later at 6.30p, a taxi arrived.
First, we said goodbye to Siti, Marteen and Aurora, and secondly, reached the train station.

On the train, it was very hot and there were trolleys of food to buy when you were hungry.

Eventually, we reached the place.
Obviously, the taxi we booked came and we ended up in our hotel room.
We all dressed up after our showers and then Mum told all of us that we were going to a place where Buddhas are hidden in these weird bell things.
We were going to go there!
At the ticket buying area, we bought the tickets and headed outside.

We payed for a guide and we made our way up the stairs where the stony carvings were.

The guide told some of the stories of the carvings and he told us about the earthquake that covered the temples and carvings till a farmer dug it out and finally we reached the bells place.

There were rows of them and in the middle there was like a big pyramid thing with a pole on the top.

The guide told us that there used to be an umbrella at the top but it got struck by lightening!

One of the bells had broke and you could see the Buddha inside. It was like it was sleeping and sitting at the same time.

It was kind of spooky!

They had earlobes that made their ears long!

It was starting to get very hot so we said thank you to the guide for telling us stuff and we finally got back to our hotel and slept.

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