Saturday 16 November 2013

Sanur Beach, Bali

Dukuk Village Home Stay

In the morning, Mum said that we had to leave because it was too dirty.

Me and Mum and of course, Ellie and Dad got dressed.
We left over bags so we could get them later.
Quietly, we crept to our hired blue car and drove to a place called 'Dukuk'.
It's a homestay near a jungle!
I had separate rooms from the parents and I had my own desk! Lucky!
Unfortunately, There were lots of ants on the floor!
I had to step over them because they were red ants that makes your food ache when they bite you with their sharp pincers.

Ellie dropped water around her and I realised that the ants didn't go near her!
I ran to the tap and did the same as Ellie. I've got happy feet!

Well we drove to town and stopped at a beach and Mum got out the swimming clothes.
I dressed up and ran to the sea because the sand was very hot.

Me and Ellie stayed in the sea for about 1 h 30 min. Halfway through the swim, Mum and Dad got in too.

There was an abandoned boat tied to the ground that was good for mucking about.
Also, there was a little boy about 4 years old. He spoke another language and we spoke back random language.

Ouch! Something stung me on my arm. It stung and hurt a lot! I dug out some and out and rubbed it on my sting.

Slowly, the sting started to fade away.

Quickly, I darted and swam at the same time to Dad and told him what might have caused the sting. He said that it might have been non poisonous jellyfish!

I ran for my life out of the sea because I don't like stuff that touches when I can't see it.
It makes my spine shiver!

As fast as flesh, I was out of the sea. Phew!

My brain whizzed about and I decided that I should make a sandcastle, a bit of help from Ellie. I told Ellie to get the coconut that was floating in the sea. She picked it up and after 5 seconds, she screamed and dropped the coconut.
"Crab!" "Ahhh!" She shouted.....

Ellie rushed out and hid behind me.

"I saw a crab!" I swam to the sea bravely and picked up the coconut.
There was something in it that I couldn't see. AAAAAAAH!
I saw a crab coming out the hole ready to pinch me with the pincers.
It was quite a big crab. Instead of dropping it I ran to shore, tipped out the crab and put it in a plastic bag that was floating in the sea.
I showed it to my parents and they said it was a big crab.
Cautiously, I stepped on the boat and sudden;y, the crab crawled out of the bag and dropped into the boat, The crab crawled into a corner that would make me not know where the crab was.
First, I just stared till I said " Doesn't matter." and walked off.

1/2 hour later....

"Wow!" said Ellie. 

She found a 1000 pound note!
I knew that it only cost 7 pence in English. Ellie ran up to Dad and showed the money.
Dad was quite impressed.
I told him that I wanted to go home so we all got in the car and drove home.
When we got home, we went straight to sleep.

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