Wednesday 20 November 2013

Snorkeling trip, Oludeniz, Turkey Aug'12

Boat trip
It was morning and we came to the boat place.
We came with lots of people on a bus.
I made a few friends.
Anyway, we all walked towards the boat we were expecting and went on board. It took a while for the engine to start. I was quite excited to swim in the salty water too.

Finally, we took off and went through greeny, lushy mountains.
Eventually, we stopped on the spot.
Suddenly, everyone, especially men, climbed on the rails and jumped and did dives.

They were really mad!
I wanted to go in so I asked my mum and Dad.
They said themselves were coming too so we went in the pretty clear water.

It was quite cold at first but then I got used to it quite quickly.

There was a big long plank that people could jump off from.
One boy did a back flip off it once.
I tried and did a pencil dive to a bomb to a mushroom float!

We were only allowed in for one hour so we had to go back into the boat.

It took 1 min to get to another stop. Finally we reached our second stop and we all went in the water except for me.
I heard something about fishing and I wanted to do it.
I saw a fishing rod and got it.
A man taught me what to do with the bait and what to do if a fish tugs it.
I soon got better and started fishing.
Mostly, the fish were too clever for me and got all the bait(just to say that the bait is live prawn). Horrible!

Anyway, the captain shouted for the swimming people to come aboard.
On the next stop, I swam with Ellie in the water to find some shells.

I found nice pretty shells.I found a pot white and black shell. I went back on the ship and put all the shells in a plastic bag.
Suddenly, I felt like going back in the water, so I did.
I saw Dad holding a dead fish. I said if I could have it and Dad said yes!
I swam back to the boat with the fish in my hand like it was swimming.
Then I put it in the bucket of fish that was caught.
There were abut 17 fishes.
One was alive. It was a colourful one that leaped around.

Finally, the boat moved to go to the next brilliant stop.
Ellie showed us a hermit crab who we called scaredy hermit.
On the last stop, I wanted to go in the water but the captain said there were wild rabbits on shore.
I really wanted to see them so I swam across to the shore.
I saw men putting garbage on the floor.
Suddenly, fluffy grey rabbits came out and started eating.
It was amazing to see though.
Anyway, the ground was super razor hot, so I went back in the water, which was cool. Ahhhhhhh!

45 minutes later we had to go to the shop and boat place to come back to the hotel.
I was real tired after all this!
I fell asleep for about 5 minutes then woke up and had some crisps.
Finally, we got to the boat station.

All of us came off and said goodbye to the captain and went on the bus.
It was super hot!
When we went and moved, the door was still open, which I was sitting right next to it!
We saw a woman standing up from her car!
The driver kept loudly for fun and really frightening the woman life out the car!
Anyway, when we stopped, all the people was so hot, they all went in the swimming pool straightaway!
Even though the swimming pool was cold, I jumped in and was saved from hotness.

Another boat trip!

I was really hot on the boat and I wished to go in the water.
My swim suit go all sticky which was uncomfortable.
Suddenly, we began to move.
Eventually, we saw pretty mountains near us.
We saw lots of bluey greeny water which we really wanted to swim in.
Some music switched on to cheer us up.
Now we've just stopped beside a mountain.
The captain said we could have a swim, so we did.
My little sister had a float to help her swim.
I found a few nice unusual stones to keep.
Suddenly, I heard my dad say something to someone, which was true and was about Turkey.
He said that when I was four, I was standing in not very deep water, and an octopus came and went up my leg. - It was in Katrinci, not far from Oludeniz.

Dad came so the octopus got scared and swam away. Dad thought that happened because I was wearing red bands with picture of fish on them-red crocs sandals. So the octopus thought it was food.

Anyway, we had to go back to the boat and get to the next stop. On the next stop. people said the water was cold, because it was from the mountains. So when people went down the ladder before they touched the water, the man would get a bucket of water from the sea and splash it on people.
So everyone screamed when it touched their skin. I went in 
when the man wasn't there!

I didn't really swim much because it was cold, but soon we had to get to the next stop.
But before we went, the man who splashed water dived from a mountain into the water.
Everyone clapped and cheered.

When we were at the next stop, I found other pretty rocks to keep. I found a nice white really square stone.

I did another thing.
I tried standing and sitting on the anchor rope!
When I nearly sat on the rope for a long time, I fell backwards and salty water came into my nose! Ouch!
We were only allowed for 45 min so we went back on the boat.

On the next stop, we stopped in front a cave.
All the people went in, but again, it was cold.
I just ended up in it because it would be interesting!
It was really cold but I just went on.
Inside the cave, Dad told me that the cave was made by a volcano.
It was built together with lava and rock.
I wanted to go on the side of the cave where you could stand.
It was quite slippery at first but I soon got on it.
I soon got out of the freezing water!

It was time to get back on the boat now, so we headed back.
While we headed back, we saw a really colourful fish!
It had green, blue and red stripes.
It was also eating weed.
It took a while for us to get back.
Suddenly, I was an orange starfish on a rock, only a little big. About this big.
It wasn't long till we got to shore.

We said goodbye to the captain and went back to our hotel and slept.

Boat trip 3

Actually, we did three times on the boat trip.
Mum was waiting for some Korean people.
When they came, the ship started to move.
While it was morning, I sat on a thing that had a gap so you could stick your legs out of the ship.
After a while, the ship stopped.
Everyone went off and started swimming.
We were in Butterfly Valley place.
Mum said they called it that because from above, the mountains looked like a butterfly.

The Korean people said the sea was dirty but I didn't mind it.
The ship bobbed up and down quite violently so Dad said not to go near it, because I could get squashed. 
Beep! Now we had to go back on the boat.
One of the Korean people let me listen to her mobile music.
It was very nice and had guitars in it.

We had to get back on the boat. 
On the next stop, we had chips for lunch, and then we had a little swim.
Suddenly, I saw dragging lots of people in a little sitting thing really fast.

I wanted to go on it so I persuaded Mum, Dad and Ellie to go on it.
Mum stayed though in the boat, because she was scared.

We jumped up and down and swirled on the waves/
Suddenly, the person next to us bumped in us and me nearly tipped over! Phew!
We stopped next to the ship  and we came off onto the ship.

On the next stop, we went to the blue cave.
The Korean people dived from the top.
I watched and then went in the cave to the nearly the end of it.

Finally, we had to go home. At home, we slept straightaway.


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