Tuesday 19 November 2013

Gili Islands, Lombok

Gili Tranwangan

Finally, we reached shore!
All the people stepped off the boat. 
When we were all off the boat and started walking up to a random cafe.
Dad and Mum got some beer and I got some Fanta.
After it was all finished, I started mucking about. Ellie rushed over to me "Cat!Cat!"
I still followed and saw a normal cat but there was something unusual about it.
The tail was short and had a stump at the end.

Quickly, Ellie suddenly said "Let's make a cat home!".

I knew I should have stayed away from there so I didn't have to make a kiddish doll house.
But I did it with her anyway.

Dad was off to find a hotel.
He came 5 min later and said he had found a hotel.
We all quickly followed him and he showed us the room.
The room was quite small but it was enough.
It was 10:30 so we had a shower and went to sleep.

Fact : There are no dogs, cars, motorbikes and trucks allowed in Gili!

Rent a bike!

The next morning, I told Dad that I wanted to rent a bike and ride somewhere.
He said we could so we went to the place where you could rent them.
We chose the double seated bikes.
I went with Mum and Ellie went with Dad.

At first, it was quite tricky but then we managed to do it.

We all rode to a beach called Julias Villa, which was a hotel that cost 1.2 million Rupiah(£65) to sleep there for one night!
There was a beach in front of it where we could swim. 
I didn't really swim much. Mum and Dad said they were going to snorkeling.
When they came back, they said they saw a turtle! Lucky!!!

We ordered some fries to eat.
After that, we rode back to our hotel.
When we got there, me and Ellie watched a bit of TV and I wanted to watch a movie called "Parker".
The movie went well till it got all fizzy! 
It was really annoying so we just turned it off.

1 1/2 hours later...

Dad said we were going to a restaurant to eat.
We looked for one and eventually tracked one down.
The restaurant was called 'Ibu Dewi'.

I ordered chicken and it was really YUMMY!
I noticed there was a picture of a woman and a man in a portrait.
I asked Dad who he thinks they were.My guess was that they might be the owners of the shop.

After we ate we headed back to the hotel.
At hotel we mucked about a lot and eventually slept.


The next morning, we all got ready for snorkeling.

I got changed in my swimming cloth and played with the cat for a while.

Finally, we started walking towards the snorkeling point.

On the boat, the guide person said that two people didn't want to go on the boat so then there would be more room for us.
Eventually, the engine turned on and we were off!

On the first stop, the guide man said there were turtles here!
Gradually, everyone was in the water following the guide man to see the turtle. Wow!
It swam up to the surface of the water for breath.
I swam really fast towards it and saw a man touching its shell!
I wanted to do it so I swam quietly towards it and slid my hand on it!

Then all the people started swimming towards the boat so I swam with them quickly and got on the boat.

On the next stop, I looked down in the water and saw loads of these massive pipe thing that might have broken from a tsunami.
It must have been old because there were corals in it. 
Suddenly, I saw two turtles swimming below deep down!
But it soon disappeared when it went deeper down.
We didn't do much so we got on the boat and went to the next stop.

On the third stop, we stopped for lunch.
Everyone went to the restaurants but we had packed food.
After eating, me, Mum and Dad went snorkeling somewhere else. We went to a place where there were really nice corals and fish. I saw these orange fish that swam upside down! Then I got really tired so we headed to the boat but then we saw another turtle!

On the fourth stop, the guide man said that you can feed the fish here.
He also said they were very colourful. He handed some bread to everyone and we all jumped in the water.
I kept the bread in my fingers and all the fish but the bread out my fingers. It tickled too!

Then I swam to another random place and realised there was a shoal of bright green fish to my side.

Then I realised that I had to get back on the boat.

Snorkeling accomplished!

Sadly, that's the end of snorkeling.

Night Market

When it was 6.30, it was dinner time.
We decided to go to the night market.
The night market was a place where you fan buy food and eat it. At the might market, I got some chicken soup noodle.
It was quite nice.

There were a few cats around trying to get the scraps that the people dropped. One cat even jumped up the bench to reach some fish meat.

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