Thursday 21 November 2013

Mt.Cook, NZ

31.03.12 Saturday

I found out that we were actually going to a mountain. The tallest mountain that pierces through the clouds.

It took ages to get there. It took 5 hours to get there with a stop to a lake called Tekapo.
When we stopped there, I took off my slippers and climbed on the rocks that were gathered around the lake.
There were big rocks, small rocks, sharp rocks and smooth rocks.
I really loved climbing the rocks.
Well, I did want to put my foot in the water. So I did it! It was freezing cold but in a while I got used to it.
When I looked down to the floor, I saw yucky yellow ground.
Dad told me that it was wild clay.
I was quite surprised to hear that cos I thought it was supposed to be found in ground.
Anyway, Mum replied that we had to go on soon.

While we were walking to the car, I found some interesting rocks and kept some.
Mum, me and Ellie were interested in around the lake because Dad always was showing us flowers and rocks and all that.
Dad told us that the rocks with a bit of white in it can have gold flakes in them!
But it was impossible to find one because the word 'flakes' in a meaning of 'tiny'.
And another one Dad told us was his mum used to get hime to sleep on it because there was no big gaps and spikes or any harming bugs! We were quite amazed, really because the bush looked spiky. 
We were closed to the car now and I said to him if we could come here again but Dad said maybe not but we'll come to places that's like this again!
So we all went in the car.
It did take a long time, but I managed to sleep...
Suddenly, I got woken up by some rustling and I opened my eyes to see that were were in a different place to sleep for the night.

It was actually a hotel.
I looked at the time and saw it was 5.54 am in the morning.
Well, Mum woke up. She gave me breakfast but she said not to full myself up because a bit later, we were going to the restaurant downstairs to have proper breakfast. So I ate a little bit.
I saw Ellie sleeping in her bed snoring...
Finally, everyone was awake.
Me and Ellie jumped on the beds for fun but we had to stop because the mattress would fall off.
Soon, Dad looked at mum's mobile to look at what the time was.
It was 7 am so we went downstairs to go and sit on a chair of a table.
Mum replied who wanted that or this like this.

Me and Ellie put the toast in the toaster and waited for it to pop up. After a while, while we were eating toast, after we've been eating baked beans, we went out of the restaurant and looked the animal statues.
Well, he animals were quite spooky because there were dead animals stuffed up with sand.

Soon, we went back to the restaurant and said to Dad if we could have the keys to the room. Dad said yes and handed us the key. So we went upstairs and opened the door and jumped on the beds.
Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. I was wondering if it was the receptionist or otherwise I would have to make up a plan.
I opened the door to see that it was Dad and Mum.
They really tricked us. I was really worried that time.

Then I realised that my parents were packing up. I asked Dad why we were packing up and Dad told me that we were going to another hotel.
Well, for goodness sake, why did we have to move again and again?
Anyway, we packed up and went back downstairs to move to the car.
Me and Ellie went into the car with Mum to wait for Dad.
We were watch him through the window for Dad to come quickly.
Then we heard him say goodbye. So we knew he was coming.

When we got to our new hotel, we saw a swing in an open space. Me and Ellie wanted the swing so we ran for it.
Luckily, I was faster than Ellie so I got there first!
I swung  as hard as I could so that it was hard enough for Ellie to stop me.
Well, Ellie did complain about the swing but none of the people listened.
Suddenly, we heard Dad's voice from the reception. We quickly went to Dad to see that we had a new room!
We quickly rushed to our room and saw two beds, a stained bath and one TV.
We really ignored the bath so we did enjoy it. 
We tested the beds if it was bouncy or not, but as we landed it was solid hard.
Then we tested the TV. One channel was great because there was Simpsons and comedy and all that.
I looked out the window and saw it was getting dark already!
You know that I told you about Dad's snoring. I didn't want to hear it so I slept straightaway, zzz.

I could hear some snoring. I opened my eyes and saw Dad had actually been awake before us, so it was Mum that had been snoring!
Anyway, in a while, we all woke up very early, like six in the morning and had a shower and brushed our theeth and we dressed up to get ready.
While I was doing that, Dad was outside looking up at the sky. We told him what he saw. Dad said that he saw two shooting stars, just bright enough to see the milkyway.
I could see the milkyway too!

It was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen in my life!
Suddenly I could feel a cold breeze so I went inside.
Mum said that we had to get back in the car, so we did.
It did take a ling time but I kept myself on track while I was touching my possum tail that I bought at a stop to Queenstown. Ellie bought a sheep toy though.

I slept for a long time(Dad said that to me).. Beep! Donk!
I could hear lots of noise. I looked out to see we were in a national park and I really was getting excited!
Then we came out the car to go to the inside of the park.
Dad told me that it was a huge one so me and Ellie had to stay close.
But I remembered the time when we stopped and took pictures and Mum told me to read this book about mountains carved 'U' shape and 'V' shape.
And we could see in the distance, must near the mountains.
Anyway, we went in the park and saw amazing stuff like the waterfall we saw from the bridge.
It was a big drop to see just to say. 
After a while, we went on going but I started to need the toilet sometimes. I did it int the forest anywhere except the places where people can see me! So I did it!
While I was doing it I heard a voice coming up the path that I went through!
I quickly ran down to where rocks were and did it there. Phew!
Suddenly, I stopped and put my pants up even though it was wet and went back down.
Well, I saw a fern and put my hand from the bottom and pulled to make a big flower leaf thing.
It looks like this.

I was there people coming. One of the people was a granny, a strict looking granny.
She told me off for picking fern leaves!
And she seriously throw down to the ground and Dad said it didn't matter cos it was picked already and grows very fast,
because they have 7 metres of rain each year!
I found out that the granny was very sensitive of the national park.
Well, it looked like we were going to go back to the car.
When we went to the car, Mum said that we might stop at Queenstown again.

It did take a long time for us to get there. We winded along the road cos it was a steep mountain we were on.
I slept a bit in the car but it was too noisy. So I played 'tick tuck toe' instead.Time went on and on, but suddenly, I caught my eye on two towns!
I knew one was Queenstown but I didn't know what the other town was called.
While we were winding down the hill, we got closer and closer to the bottom of the mountain.It was really exciting!
I told Dad to hurry up but Dad said it was too dangerous to go fast. So I had to wait for a while.

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