Tuesday 19 November 2013



Well, When I woke up, Mum told me and Ellie that we were going to a different place called Lombok.

Fact : Lombok means chilli in Indonesian.

She said we were going on a ferry boat.
OK, just to say, I'll tell you about the ferry boat stuff in bullet points.

  • We had dinner at restaurant.
  • We got tickets.
  • We went on ferry boat.
  • Watched Arabic TV.

  • Got some snacks.
  • Waited in harbour.
  • Got persuaded by people to go in their taxi but Mumn doesn't want to fall for it.
  • Persuading people taking taxi away from us.
  • Mum is annoyed and starts shouting.
  • Finally, gets taxi.
  • Reaches Elly's home.

Well, we finally managed to get to Elly's home.
You might be wondering who Elly is.,
She's not my sister. She's a person who invites people from Couchsurfing to her home.
Elly looked very nice and she was nice! 
But I slept straightaway.


When I woke up, Mum said that we were going to the beach with Elly.
At the beach, I found a few nice shells but there were three that I really liked.
I'm going to show my friends when I get back.
I swam a bit in the sea.

Finally, we all got out and dried ourselves.
When we were ready, we decided to buy some of these things which tasted like chicken.
Then we got in the car and went home.
At home, we just mucked about and eventually slept.

Mountain hotel

When I woke up, everyone seemed to be excited. Wonder why?
Ellie(my sister) seemed to know.
She said that we were going to stay in a hotel up a volcano mountain.
Elly told us to get in their car because we were going to pick up her friends. 

After we picked up her friends, we carried on driving.
It took 2 1/2 hours to get there!
When we finally reached the hotel, I realised there was a party going on.
Elly said it was a police chief's birthday today.

The hotel was quite small but we all didn't mind.
I didn't do much and eventually had dinner.
Then I started to watch the party till I got really tired and slept.

Custard Apple picking 

Elly told all of us that we were going to go to her orchard that she grew custard apple trees.
Custard apples are these bumpy fruits.
Custard apple tastes quite nice too!
But there seem to be so much pips. When we reached the orchard, we all started to pick some.
After 1/2 hour, the collecting box was full. We carried the box to the car and drove to another orchard to just muck around.

The person who owned the orchard had a small house to himself. It looked very tiny. 
After just playing and talking, we headed back home. 
At home, we ate a few more custard apples.
Then me and Ellie started tickling each other.
We did it till we dropped to sleep.

The next morning, Elly told us that we were going to a place where you could swim in a waterfall. It sounded exciting.
At the waterfall place, Elly's friends said they didn't want to go. Anyway, a guide helped us to find our way.
Firstly, we had to go through the jungle.
We saw some monkeys in the trees eating figs.

After a few twists and turns, we reached the waterfall.
Everywhere was rock that was slippery and I even slipped and nearly twisted my ankle.

After trying to get over the rocks, we finally reached our destination. I changed into my swimming clothe and put my feet into the water. Brrr!

It was freezing cold!
I started climbing over the rocks in the water and tumbled a few times.
Finally, I reached the main bit. It was bitter cold.
Then I saw Dad under a small waterfall.
Quickly, I ran back to Mum and told her that I wanted to go. She said we were going now. Yey!
Everyone came back and got dressed. We started heading back into the jungle.

1 hour later...

Finally, were were all back to the start.
I stumbled with Mum back to the car.
But before we went in the car, we all had noodles.
Mum said to hurry up eating because we had to catch the boat to Gili Trawangan.
When we ate all our noodles, we quickly then went into the car.

1/2 hour...
Finally, we reached the boat station. We had 5 min for our last chat.

Eventually, we had to get on the boat.
I and Ellie waved for about 10 min to Elly and gradually the boat started to float away. I kept waving till they were tiny dots. Boo Hoo!
Me and Ellie sat down on the bench. There was a man sitting on the opposite bench.
Suddenly, without any warning, he said "What's your name?"
He said it in a squeaky voice.
I told him my name was Ruby. The man asked a few more questions and then went quite again.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Good. i remember those little hands keep waving at us. Miss you girls. It was so fun with you. Hopefully to see you again sometime somewhere.
