Saturday 16 November 2013


Hi, I'm Ruby aged nine, nearly ten, and I'm going to tell you about my holiday to Indonesia.

On the next chapter, I'm going to skip the plane bits because they're boring.

The stop to Dubai and the mosque.


Ok, so I'll get this straight. 

When we were flying to Indonesia, we had stop in Dubai. Dubai is a hot place.
It was about 22 degrees!(in the morning, it gets hotter later).

Anyway, we caught a train to a place called 'Banujamin'.

Banujamin was a city in the west of Dubai. We were quite lucky because my family and me saw the tallest tower in the world.

Finally, we reached the mosque and realised that we were quite early.
We sat under a willow tree on something and had a little picnic which wasn't really real because we fed all the food to the animals.
I realised that people were starting to rush towards the mosque to take photos. I thought the people were tourists.

Let's carry on. Well after about 1/2 hour, woman or a nun came toward the crowd and said "Come her people." and she herded them into this room things with no walls. 
Mum said that the nun was a Muslim and was going to tell us about the history of Muslim people. I definitely knew this was going to be boring, so I lay down and slept!

It wasn't that long till I got woken up by my parents. I realised that the story that was boring was finished.

Finally, I managed to stumble towards the exit and go outside.
It was boiling hot outside and really bright so I got my sunglasses and wore them.
My feet dragged me to Mum and I told her what she and Dad were doing.
Mum said that she thought that we should go to a restaurant.
I and the rest of my family quickly stepped towards the gate.
We started to walk along the pavement, telling people where a restaurant would be.

I stopped at a shoe shop because I thought we needed to get more new shoes or sandals.

Me and Mum went in and I saw a really pretty pair of sandals.
It was purple that looked unusual and twisty. I showed Mum and she liked it too!
Normally, she doesn't like what I like,
She asked how much it was and it was £55!
In a sigh, Mum said I couldn't have them.
The man then said, 'Look! She would like these!' and he put a pair of really girlish pink sandals that flashed and had flowers on it. Worst of all, it had long heels...Yuck!

Mum nearly fainted at the sight of the ugly designed shoes!
The man quickly took them away and put these 'ok' sort of sandals.
They were lush green with lots of twists and twats and also it had no high-heels. Phew!

The last pair of shoes was a 'no-no'.
It looked tooooo chunky! Fat heels. Melted looking strips. And more chunky bits.

Finally we reach the Indian restaurant

We said to the man that we didn't want any more so we walked out the shop and walked to Dad who was waiting.
"How did it go?" he said calmly in the heat.
"Not well, we'll buy some shoes at the airport instead." Mum said proudly.

Hour later....
The Wilsons then asked a few more people and finally we found an Indian restaurant! Yey!

We entered the welcoming food giving serving shop.
It became very cool inside the shop because the air conditioner was on. 
It saved my LIFE!

Dad chose a seat near the air conditioner and we all definitely agreed!

AAH! We all ordered some simple Indian food like rice and curry.
It was REALLY yummy.
I did try it before in India but this was nicer.

Wait.... Can I tell you something?
I'm looking out the window right now and don't you think the clouds are funny?

Let's carry on...

well,when we finished our lovely food.We were exploring a bit when we found a small museum...well it looked like it.Mum was looking at this long text when I started needing the toilet. I didn't want to disturb Mum so I asked Dad if he could come with me to the toilet. He said yes and we found it.The door was a bit creaky and made of muddy straw.I saw that the toilet was quite good!Afterwards, I looked at some of these statues and asked lots of questions that my parents sometimes got annoyed from it.
Then we started heading back to the airport because we had to wait for us to get ready for the plane.
Finally we reached the airport and realised we were quite early. Me and Ellie were playing because we were a bit bored.
We found a key in a plant pot and fiddled with it and hid it in the leaves of the plant.
It was for us to go so I hung it on one of the leaves so someone could find it.

Time had come and we started to do the stuff that you need to do to get on the airplane.

We went on the plane and I will skip that bit because it's boring.

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